Tuesday, February 08, 2005

interesting quote?

Will Rogers' ------------- Even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there.

sound off -- things i heard today

what's on your mind ?

--today i heard

the bad...

  1. focus on cleaning up the housing [slumlords, lmha, section 8 housing, vistula] in the neighborhood would help how the neighborhood is perceived!
  2. vistula's dumpsters are overflowing again!
  3. rehab/demolish abandoned houses.
  4. neighborhood should do a petition to bring houses to the attention of the city.
  5. city needs to pave streets in this area. Erie, Ontario, Michigan, Champlain, Chase, Chicago, etc...
  6. gangs are a problem
  7. drugs are a problem
  8. the way the media, like channel 11, or the blade portrays the north end-- their unwillingness to cover anything good... helps keep the perception of the neighborhood as one that's bad.
  9. teens-- we need to have something safe for them to do
  10. teens--we need to have someplace safe for them to go

the not so bad...

  1. many residents in the north end are proud of their homes, and of the neighborhood... but the bad ones get all of the story. theres a lot that's positive... that we don't emphasize.
  2. we have to think about the message we send out about our neighborhood
  3. channel 11 should be on the board
what do you think...???? Click on Comment to leave your ideas...
Do you have any ways to help solve these things?
Do you have any ideas for what we need to do next??

TEENS????? WHAT do YOU think????

Class Matters

Class Matters

"It's all about relationship building. Until you start reaching out to people very different from you, until we reach outside comfort zones, nothing's going to change. We can't afford to assume anyone is our enemy. People can grow and change." Natalie Reteneller

Monday, February 07, 2005