Saturday, May 05, 2007

On Stepping Up and Getting Involved

Whew! What a ride this has been. This whole school board mess.

For those that don't follow the goings on of the TPS - you should. After all, this is the basis for growth, understanding, hope and progress. Education - that's what it's called.

Recently the TPS had the opportunity to hire a top-notch Superintendent that could have helped our schools become true centers of learning. Dr. Bill Harner had had much experience in pulling poorly progressing schools out of the doldrums and turning them around. Making them into productive and encouraging entities.

Alas, the TPS has chosen to refuse to entertain ideas of growth and progress by wanting to (illegally) limit Dr. Harner's choice of residence and school for his daughter. Instead they have chosen a man that has been entrenched in the TPS for 29 years. Yes - 29 years. And in those years he has not taken the initiative to LEAD the schools into a positive future, but instead allowed himself to languish in mediocrity and ambivalence. This does not instill a feeling that this man is capable of LEADING us into a progressive future. Instead I fear more of the same. It's terrifying. It's disheartening. It's despicable. While John Foley may be a nice man, I do not have any faith in his abilities as a leader. I will pray that I am wrong. That our children's futures will not suffer from this decision. A decision made behind the masks of backroom politics and power plays.

In short - as long as we continue to do what we have always done we will continue to get what we've always gotten. And that's not acceptable. Not at all.

Our children deserve better. Our city deserves better.

Please, please, please - take the lead. Get involved. STAY involved. Let the TPS know that you won't allow the 'good old boy' system to sacrifice your children's futures for the sake of a pension.