Saturday, February 17, 2007

The Desiderata

The Desiderata

While pondering the falling snow and the quietness that it promotes, I got to thinking about an old verse that I have come to love - like an old friend.

The words and thoughts behind The Desiderata are mind-boggling when you consider the frame of mind of the author when it was penned.

Watch the slide show, reflect on the words, and know that there is a wonderful world out there. A world that is ready for change and acceptance. Ready for peace and understanding. Ready for all of us to live together and understand that the things that make us different are also those things that make us the same.


Anonymous said...

Deep thoughts for an early morning roo.

this truly brings ya back to center...

Roo said...

We need yo stay on center in order to succeed! OK - I'll stay on center, you just bounce all around and get stuff done....
