Tuesday, March 27, 2007

WOW! The Big-Time Awaits!

I just had time to actually look inside this weeks edition of the Toledo Free Press. I have to tell you - I am just tickled to pieces! In Lisa Renee's Blog it, Toledo! article is mention of Groundz 4 Change!

I have to say - this feels like the 'big time' to a fledgling grass-roots group!

But, in all fairness, I think that the public deserves to know what kind of people make up the driving force behind this site and its' desired result. It might surprise most of you to know that we aren't any different than you. That we are residents of Toledo, residents of some of the most ignored neighborhoods in Toledo, and convinced that the only way to achieve change in the same old song is to lead the band in a new one.

Who we are (by backgrounds): sociology majors, single moms, law enforcement/public service, self employed, pastors, activists, coordinators, and just regular folks. We are just like you. With one difference in vision. We have put ourselves in position to effect change in Toledo. We have decided that in order to begin to turn this mess around we have to commit to sharing our time, our ideas, our contacts, and our dreams. Dreams of a vibrant, safe and respectful city.

If you would like to discuss these dreams, learn how to help, offer suggestions, offer to help, or are just curious as to what makes us think we can pull this off.....then email either Roo (email in profile) or Tiggrr2. We'll make sure to set a time and place to sit down and let you in on the best kept secret Toledo has had in years! What have you got to lose?

We want your input. We want your concerns. We NEED your participation.

Come on! We see you reading the blog. Take the next step and make a comment! It's easy! It's painless! And, best of all, it would be appreciated if you would share your thoughts!

Positrain boarding now!!!!! Allllllllllll abooooaaaarrrrddddd!!!!!!!!!



damnsle said...

I grew up in Toledo. I moved away with my parent’s (unflatteringly) enthusiastic help, to Florida when I was 19. By myself. The rest of my family stayed in Toledo.

My younger sister requested, after 11 years (of freedom and of living in a city that knew what culture was (or at least was within arms reach of culture, and which was state-income-tax-free, at that!)), that I move back. Because most of our family had died. She didn’t want me to be so far away anymore.

So I moved back.

I hate Toledo. Actually, I loathe Toledo. I think of Toledo as the black-hole of hope and culture, the ultimate darkness of evil, the inescapable asshole of the known and unknown universe, the really very suckyiest place ever.

Toledo, basically, is just bad.

I remember going to concerts in my youth where the audience, instead of being excited and anticipatory, sat back with their arms literally folded across their collective chests and gave off an air of “G’head. Entertain me. I dare you. You suck. Asshole.”

You can understand why the artists were somewhat intimidated and stunted. And why they avoided this cesspool in the future.

The overlying miasma of antipathy, despair and hopelessness permeates the very atmosphere of this entire region. It’s no wonder that nothing ever happens here; almost no one has the will to hope any more. Apathy is the new black. And, I’ve noticed, anyone who does dare hope is mocked. Cruelly.

Toledo is the new…well… nothing. Toledo is nothing new, nothing good, nothing anyone would ever want.

I’m always astounded when I meet people who have relocated here willingly. Not through force of family or friends, and obviously not for economical reasons (I was stunned to learn recently that Toledo rates has having the most disposable income in Ohio. How the hell is that possible? Compared to real cities, the economy here sucks.) but because they actually wanted to be here.

I will concede that Toledo has a pretty awesome museum. I can spend many hours there before I feel that people are looking at me like a freak for staring at any one painting for too long (Hans Holbein the Younger). And the botanical gardens are nice. And the zoo, I’m told, is outstanding. Although, I haven’t been there since I’ve moved back for some reason. Probably because the hours are so bizarre. (Who the hell closes at 5:00pm?) And there are some really mind blowing restaurants that are, thank-all-deities-major-and-minor, not chain owned and which actually cook their own foods. Mediterranean in particular.

I loves me a good grape leaf.

I think what pisses me off the most is the fact that Toledo could be good. Could be fun. Could be less of a soul-sucking hell if only people would try.

Having lived in the south (well, not the real south, because as everyone knows, Florida is inhabited by mostly old northerners who go there to escape the frigid cold. But hell, close enough) I am encapsulated by the feeling that there should be more. There should be more here, dammit, but I can’t seem to find it. But it’s just so ridiculously close…

In short, I want to help because I basically hate this place, but I’m pretty much stuck here. What can we do to make it better?

What can I do?

Roo said...


Welcome! Glad to have you here.

I'm not sure what part of Florida you are referring to, but I was in the Tampa Bay area for 23 years and I couldn't wait to get out of there! Funny how people have different interpretations of what places have to offer.

Toledo is strategically in position to achieve really good things. Unfortunately, we have suffered many setbacks due to poor management, increasing apathy, the fostering of defeatist attitudes and a failing economy.

Our answer to that is to groom and support the young folks of Toledo so that they become interested in what's around them - and interested in making it better.

The youth are our future. And in order to create a future for Toledo we need to let go of the negatives of the past. We need to realize that our glass is half full - not half empty. We need to realize, and believe, that WE have the power to make change. That we have the intelligence, drive, interest and sincere desire to improve OUR city.

The key to it all? THE YOUTH. The kids that look different, talk different, have large hoops in their ears, tattoos on their bodies, wear the weird clothes, suffer from the influences of a disinterested society, and those that have so much to offer but can't get the adults to listen.

That's where we come in.

We would love to meet with you and talk more. Just let us know if that's something you'd like to do.

Thanks for your post - and THANK YOU for being interested enough to want to help!

damnsle said...

I totally want to help. That's why I posted. As for the youth, well...

I much prefer the company of those who are confused to those who think they know what is going on, because I am so seriously fucked up myself.

I would apologize for using "profanities" except that I'm not.

I just don't know what I can do to help. Seriously. What are we doing? And how do we do it bigger and faster?



Roo said...


Thanks for your response. And don't worry about the profanities. This is not a group of verbal virgins. :)

I will email you and see if we can't set up a time to have coffee/wine/whatever and do a little brainstorming.

I think you will be pleased with the effort and the direction we have in mind. And if you come up with any ideas or suggestions during the meet then let'er rip. We are looking for input and views from all angles.

We will talk soon! And thanks again!